If it seems like time is speeding up for you, you’re not alone. For many people, the days appear to be getting shorter while the list of responsibilities are getting longer. This can make it harder to maintain excellent oral health. If you don’t want to compromise the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums just to fulfill your daily duties, then keep reading for 5 expert tips for dental health on the go. In addition, you’ll learn how visiting your dentist in Grand Prairie regularly can take your oral health to the next level!
Tip #1 – Choose the Right Toothbrush
When you’re on the go, you need a toothbrush that you can easily transport. Thus, it may be better to choose a travel size model that can fit into a pouch or purse. Additionally, you definitely want to select a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent any irritation of your teeth or gums.
Tip #2 – Incorporate a Tongue Scraper into Your Routine
Unfortunately, the cleanliness of the tongue can sometimes be overlooked. The reality, though, is that it’s just as important to your oral health as the care of your teeth. That’s because the tongue makes contact with every part of your mouth.
To remove harmful bacteria and leftover food and beverage particles, you can use a tongue scraper as part of your oral hygiene regimen. By gently sliding the device from the back of your tongue to the front, you can agitate the papillae to free any debris. Better yet, this won’t take much of your time.
Tip #3 – Wait Before Brushing
While it’s important to clean your teeth after eating a meal, it’s best to wait a few minutes. This will prevent any unwanted damage to your enamel, which is more vulnerable to wear immediately after a meal due to the presence of digestive acids in the mouth.
Tip #4 – Try a Different Type of Floss
Since flossing can be a more time-consuming process than brushing your teeth, it can be more of a challenge to perform when you’re out-and-about. Here are two faster flossing alternatives to the traditional method:
- Floss picks
- Interdental brushes
Typically, you can find these items at your local drugstore or grocer.
Tip #5 – Visit Your Dentist for Preventive Care
Every six months, it’s of the utmost importance to visit your dentist for preventive care, which includes receiving a cleaning and checkup. Even with a busy schedule, this is possible to accomplish since the visits only take around an hour to complete. Thus, for just a little bit of your time, you can have the peace-of-mind of knowing that your oral health is up to par. To schedule a visit, contact your dentist today!