When you find out that you’re receiving a refund on your taxes, you’re likely to start wondering about what to do with the extra money. You could always simply put it in your savings, but there are also plenty of other ways you can put it to good use in the present. In particular, it could help make necessary dental work more affordable. Here is why you should consider using your tax refund to take care of your teeth and gums.
Dental Work is Always a Smart Investment
Minor dental issues are easier to deal with than major ones. As an example, smaller cavities can often be corrected with fillings while larger cavities might require root canal therapy. As such, if you suspect that there’s a problem in your mouth, or if your dentist has identified any oral health issues that need to be addressed, it’s best to pay for treatment as soon as possible.
But even if you don’t have any pressing oral health problems, it can still be worth paying for dental care. For one thing, regular preventive visits can help you lower your risk of suffering from cavities and gum disease in the first place. Additionally, if you’re unhappy with the way your smile looks, there are a variety of treatments that can enhance the appearance of your teeth to boost your self-esteem.
What Kind of Treatment Should You Use Your Tax Refund For?
If you’re planning on putting your tax refund toward dental care, the first thing you should do is take stock of your dental needs and consider what services you’re likely to require in the future. Here are a few suggestions that may be worth considering:
- Biannual Checkups and Cleanings: Is your next preventive dental appointment coming up soon? Your tax refund can make managing the cost of this essential visit much easier.
- Restorative Dentistry: Has your dentist told you that you need a filling or a crown? You don’t want to wait too long before having any type of restorative dental work done, so if you’re worried about how much the treatment will cost, your tax refund can help.
- Invisalign: Have you been thinking of straightening your smile with Invisalign? You can use your tax refund to fit the first part of your treatment into your budget.
- Cosmetic Dentistry: Are you thinking of getting veneers or having teeth whitening performed? Cosmetic procedures typically aren’t covered by dental insurance. Paying for this type of elective dental work can be a smart use of your tax refund.
Think carefully about the state of your smile before you decide on the kind of treatment you want to pursue. That way, you can be sure that you’re utilizing your tax refund dollars to the fullest.
About the Author
Dr. Heliben Desai is a proud graduate of the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine in Jersey. You can count on her to be completely transparent about the treatments she recommends, and she always fully stands by her work. Her practice, Care 32 Dental of Grand Prairie, offers a complete menu of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic services. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Desai, visit her website or call (469) 837-8351.