With a brand-new semester ahead, your schedule is likely to get busier with all of your assignments and projects. Even so, keeping up with your oral health is still important for both your smile and overall quality of life. Forgetting to care for your teeth can leave you susceptible to costly issues later on. Until you visit your dentist again for a dental exam, here are a few helpful oral health tips for preserving your pearly whites during the school year.
Maintain Your Oral Hygiene Routine
The most important rule for keeping your smile fresh and healthy is to keep up with your oral hygiene routine. This means you should always brush your teeth first thing in the morning and before going to sleep, that way you can prevent any debris, food particles, and bacteria from accumulating. You’ll also want to floss, especially beneath the gumline where germs are more likely to collect and develop plaque. Doing these things and rinsing with mouthwash frequently will raise your chance of preventing problems like decay, cavities, and gum disease.
Pack Healthy Treats To-Go
It’s quite common for people to want to snack on sugary and starchy food throughout their day. However, these ingredients can easily attract bacteria, which will begin to eat away at your enamel if left unchecked for too long. Instead of stocking up on potato chips, crackers, or sugar-filled candies, try sticking with healthier options like apples, grapes, carrots, and yogurt. Additionally, sodas and energy drinks should be substituted with water or even milk to promote better oral health.
Avoid Poor Oral Habits
Do you often find yourself biting your nails or chewing on ice cubes whenever you’re anxious or studying? Even if these habits don’t seem harmful at first, they can end up creating problems for your teeth later on. Not only can you accidentally chip your pearly whites, but you can also expose your smile to harmful bacteria that can increase the risk of decay and infection. To avoid harming your teeth, try chewing on sugar-free gum instead, which can easily stimulate saliva production for the natural removal of bacteria and food debris.
Invest in a Custom Mouthguard
Are you typically involved in sports? If so, you might consider getting custom athletic mouthguards to keep your teeth safe. Not only will these provide cushion for your smile, but you can also prevent serious accidents that can result in you needing costly procedures. By wearing personalized mouthguards, you can focus more on the game while knowing your teeth are much safer.
Taking care of your oral health doesn’t always require time-consuming methods. Practice these few tips to ensure your smile remains healthy and beautiful, and even your dentist will be impressed the next time you visit them!
About the Author
Dr. Heliben Desai has been providing exceptional dental care for well over a decade. She earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine and regularly pursues continuing education through her membership at the Texas Dental Association and the American Dental Association. If you have any questions about maintaining your smile or wish to schedule your next exam, visit her website or call her at 469-837-8351.