Extraction Inquiry: Does Everyone Have Wisdom Teeth?

May 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mydentistgp @ 3:25 pm
Dentist with blond hair looking at an X-ray with patient blurry in the background

If you’re a young adult experiencing an ache in your jaw, or swelling in your gums behind your molars, you might be growing wisdom teeth. They typically show up when you’re between 17 and 25 years old and are extracted more often than not. In fact, this procedure is so common that many people think of it as a natural rite of passage into young adulthood.

But what if you’re in your twenties and you haven’t experienced any of the telltale signs of these last molars arriving? Could it be possible that you’re one of the lucky ones who don’t have them? Keep reading to learn more about wisdom teeth and why some people don’t have to worry about them.
