You’ve had your dental crown for a while now. Maybe you already know that they are made from durable materials, but even so. It’ll have to be replaced at some point, right? Maybe it’s been long enough that you’re starting to wonder.
Don’t second-guess yourself. Your first thought was right – even impressively hardy dental restorations don’t last forever. If you’ve been sailing smoothly with your crown, though, you might not know how to read the signs. Keep reading to find out what could indicate it’s time for a dental crown replacement.
When Dental Discomfort is Afoot, Abandon Ship
Hopefully, if you have been dealing with some dental discomfort, it hasn’t been for long. It can be tempting to brush aside toothaches and excessive dental sensitivity as generic symptoms. However, it’s better to call your emergency dentist just to be safe.
Where dental crowns are concerned, it could mean that you need a replacement or repairs – especially if your teeth sit uncomfortably at rest. The problem could be as simple as the crown’s fit is off. Or it could be damaged, leaving your more sensitive natural tooth exposed to the elements.
Your Gums will Complain About a Failing Dental Crown
Swollen, inflamed, bleeding, or receding gumlines usually point to gum disease. As the leading cause of tooth loss in the US, gum disease is serious and definitely worth a trip to your emergency dentist.
But if you have an immaculate oral hygiene routine, visit your dentist regularly for cleanings, and don’t have a genetic predisposition for this gumline saboteur, you can take a deep breath. It’s more likely you’ll be seeing your dentist for a crown replacement than a scaling and root planing.
Obvious Dental Crown Mileage Means it’s Time to Hit the Brakes
Is your dental crown sort of sad looking? Excessive wear and tear from daily activities and damage are good reasons to get a replacement. You might be able to get away with driving your car to the breaking point, but if you try that with a dental restoration, you could cut your mouth on jagged edges or develop toothaches. Basically, not a good idea!
Fortunately, when it’s time for a new dental crown, you’ll probably know. The signs aren’t exactly subtle. But if you are in doubt, your dentist would be happy to take a look for you. Even in the event it’s a false alarm, you can leave the office reassured with your crown’s durability.
About the Practice
Our team at Care 32 Dental of Grand Prairie prioritizes patient care. We’ll help you feel comfortable and welcome in our office, while also making sure you’re well informed about your treatment. Of course, that includes answering your questions! If you need clarification about your dental crown or want us to take a professional look at it, call our office at 469-837-8351. We’ll be happy to go over the details with you!