With all the fun things you have planned for this summer, it can be difficult not to stress about everything going perfectly. Whether you have some dinners planned with your family or you are heading out on a beach vacation, this certainly isn’t the time for you to neglect your smile. Here are a few summer oral health tips to help you keep your teeth in excellent shape throughout the duration of your summer vacation.
Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene
You need to keep up an excellent oral hygiene routine to keep your smile in good shape. Be sure that you are brushing twice and flossing once every single day. Another great step to include to your regimen is rinsing with a mouthwash. Schedule regular cleanings and checkups with your dentist every six months to ensure that your smile stays healthy.
Drink Plenty of Water
You know that hydration Is important, so take the time to drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you have the option, fluoridated tap water is typically best. Fluoride is a natural mineral that is found in rocks and leeches into groundwater. This mineral helps to protect your teeth from decay. Fluoride is particularly helpful for younger children whose teeth are still developing.
Cut Back on Sugar
Summer seems to be the time where it is easy to indulge in far too much sugar. It’s always tempting to reach for a cola, lemonade, or frozen cocktails. Popsicles and ice cream are also great for cooling down, but they can do damage to your teeth. Save these sweet treats for occasions. If you are constantly sipping and snacking on them, you could end up needing to spend extra time in the dental chair having cavities filled.
Don’t Use Your Teeth as Tools
Your teeth were made to help you chew your food, keep your saliva in your mouth, and allow you to smile. They aren’t made for opening packages, crunching on ice, or biting your nails. You could end up with a chipped or cracked tooth.
Use a Mouthguard
It is crucial that you get exercise to keep your body healthy, and teams sports are a great way to do this. However, they can put your smile at risk for injuries. Ask your dentist about custom-made mouthguards. This way, you can stay out on the field without ending up with a broken or knocked-out tooth.
To ensure everything goes to plan this summer, take care of your smile. This way, you can make exciting memories without any concerns about your oral health!
About the Author
Dr. Heliben Desai is an experienced dentist who has been working in the field for over a decade. After studying dentistry in India, she completed her Doctor of Dental Medicine at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine. She is passionate about continuing education and is currently a member of the American Dental Association and Texas Dental Association. For more information or to schedule an appointment at her office in Grand Prairie, visit her website or call (469) 346-8828.